Monday, December 24, 2012

The Beach

Went to Desaru Beach yest with my sis fam and my bro-in-law's bro's fam. It was fun. But again not so fun. I want my mum. I really want my mum. I miss her. I miss home. I miss dad. I miss sch. I miss everything. So much. Ever since then, i've been feelin so messed up, so unorganized. All i wanna do is cry. I dont know why. Honestly, i think all i want is to go home...

Monday, December 17, 2012


16 Dec. My birthday. Well it IS a nice day. It should be. Celebrated in Msia this yr. For the celebration, my bro-in-law bought KFC for all of us, for me :D After lunch, we went to TESCO to find my bday cake. I chose yummy Choc Mousse when I actually want Angry Birds :P Aft that, we walked ard and the kids, my nephews and niece, went to look for bday gifts for me. Heheh. I got Pen Set with Keychain, Cat-Pendant Necklace and a table decor. Longgg before my bday, my sis and bro bought me a bball ball for my bday :P hehehe. I did have a nice bday. Still have 4 slices of cake remaining :D

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Home, No Home

Mum and dad went back home in Singapore. Now, I have to stay here for almost 1month. I guess my hw and school preps wont be ready before school reopens. But no matter what i say, these people dont think the same way as me. Why? Cus they dont have anyone thay goes to sch now. Hais.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ahhhh! We're gonna finally have some fun today. All of us are going to Ulu Tiram Waterpark. But..... Badluck for me! A thousand badlucks! I just cant stop thinking of it and thus thinking of it made me more depressed! I just dont know whatta do now! Ergh -.-

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Now, Im at msia. Holiday-ing at my sis house. Gonna enjoy. Needa enjoy. Holidays are so bored nowadays :/ gonna go to the hotel and enjoy th cool water of th swimming pool. Looking forward to it :D

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I dont kmow what to say. I dont know what to do. All but 1 thought left my mind. Death. Death is all I can think about. I simply wanna die. She hates me so much. I can never do anything right. Why should I still be living? I should just die, and go to hell. Well thats apparently where I'm going if I die now. I totally have no comments on how she treats me. I can mever say anything. Fml. I can just cry the hell out but it doesn't solve it. I don't feel any much pleased and relieved. I feel more fucked up than I was before. What can I do?! :'(

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Well, who'd hate holidays? No one. Me neither. Holidays are th only time when u can spend ur time, sleeping, eating, go out with frens and many more. Apparently, it doesn't work like that for me. I kinda hate holidays now... Well, atleast if i dont get the freedom to go out with my friends, its ok to go out with my family. Now, my mum's not talking to me, i cant go out, i cant spend so much time on com... Dont mention abt HER bringing me out. I feel lika stranger, like im in a jail or smtg. I dont whats my fault, but im getting th vold sholder for no apparent reason. Its been days. I dont know... I literally hate holidays now. So much. I dont know how imma survive nxt yr, with no longer holiday. DIE.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Still The Same...

Now, apart from having 'guy problems', i have... 'Mum problem'. Nothung seems to be right in her eyes. Totally. Every single thing that I do seemed wrong to her. I dont eat, im wrong. I dont watch tv often, im wrong. I do hw, im wrong. I play games, im wrong. I dont sit and talk to her, im wrong. Apparently, no matter what I do, IM WRONG! I dont know why but this have been going on eversince before sch holidays. Believe it or not, even going to sch on th last day is wrong. I dont get th idea. What does she want from me..? Recently, which is still happening NOW, she doesn't wanna talk to me. The reason being, i love to sit alone in my room. Wth man. So i have my own room, but im practically npt allowed to sit in my room, to do my hw?? Wow. How ironic can my mum be? I feels like I dont get to do what I want at home. I dont seem to be able tp step outta th house to spend time with my friends, and now I cant even spend my time on th computer more than 1 day... Is this sch holiday or 'the period where u move into th prison' kinda thing?! Gosh. Im getting sick of home already. I remembered how I used to love holidays. Now? Holidays are apparently th time where I kinda stay over in a prison...


Its been a long time since I posted smtg... Well... Life has been.... Cruel. Yes, cruel. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be nice to me. We all make friends. And sometime during that point, we find a guy/girl that interest us. Right? Well it happened that way for me... However, it didnt end like how i wanted it to be... When we were together, we used to talk abt being happy even after breakup. We used to say that 'lets not be enemies'. But yeahhh. Guys. Their words just kinda backfired when th actual time comes. He hated me when we broke up. After much that I endured from him, he hated me. What would u do if u found out ur bf have another gf behind ya? Probably break up, right? But I didnt. I gave him chances. Loads of them. Then he broke up with me. We patched again as he called me, crying early in th morning. I gave another chance. When I cant handle it any longer, I practically 'end' it. Thats th reason why he hated me. Not only that, he said many things, cruel things about me to his friends. And that he's doing all this for 1 reason. Its all because...... I was the one who broke up with him -.- okay fine. But really, do you have to say mean things about me, jerk?? I totally dont wanna hate u, but u asked me to... Well, be back next time. Gonna practically continue th story, if i want to...