Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Intern 2nd Phase

I swear I think someone needs to literally come here and save me from this hell hole HAHA

As you can see, life is terrible here......... I, for once, am shocked that I am pissed to be sitting around playing games all day. I mean, it would be such a great thing if I didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to chase after a bus and be transported to somewhere 1 hour away from home. Of course, life is not that kind. I HAVE TO DO ALL THAT, and sit on this miserable excuse for a chair, for a whole 10 hours. To add to that beautifully miserable life, I have to constantly be on edge whenever someone comes by the office. Ended up reading the same document/journal 10 times, while looking for spelling errors that no longer exist (okay 10 times checking are enough to ensure all spellings are on point) and trying to make myself super preoccupied.

Who knew you'd be pissed just being able to play games and listen to songs. Maybe it was the uncomfortable chair? Maybe its the amount of guys surrounding me? OR MAYBE BECAUSE I WOKE UP EARLY AND TRAVELED FAR TO BE DOING NOTHING? Oh well. At least I get paid lolol but ...................................... ugh somebody please save me I beg you 😭😭😭😭😭 preferably Tsumugu or Minato or Akiyoshi or SaeYoung or Jumin BUT at this point anyone would be perfect ugh.

Its hasn't even been HALF of June, and I'm sooooooooooooo stoked for internship to end. Which is in 2 and a half months. With also the fact that I HAVE to reduce the number of MCs I can take. Don't blame if this place makes me wanna die all the time I had to call in sick lol make this a better place w better seats and I can probably go longer without MC.

I'm sorry this post is just ranting I seriously am trying to keep myself sane and trying my best to live through this. I really wanna graduate and I pray so hard that I won't end up back in this place, or anything worse than this.


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